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Carleton KL. Cichlid fish visual systems: mechanisms of spectral tuning. Integrative Zoology 4: in press.


Seehausen O, Terai Y, Magalhae IS, Carleton KL, Mrosso HDJ, Miyagi R, van der Sluijs I, Schneider MV, Maan ME, Tachida H, Imai H and Okada N. 2008. Speciation through sensory drive in cichlid fish. Nature 455: 620-6. Article Nature N&V Other news

Carleton KL, Spady TC, Streelman JT, Kidd MR, Mcfarland WN, and Loew ER. Visual sensitivities tuned by heterochronic shifts in opsin gene expression. BMC Biology 6:22. PDF Supplementary files Mini review


Spady TC, Parry JWL, Robinson PR, Hunt DM, Bowmaker JK and Carleton KL. Evolution of the cichlid visual palette through ontogenetic subfunctionalization of the opsin gene arrays. Mol Biol Evol 23: 1538-1547. PDF

Carleton KL, Spady TC and Kocher TD. Visual communication in East African cichlid fishes : Diversity in a phylogenetic context. In Communication in Fishes. F. Ladich, S.P. Collin, P. Moller and B.G. Kapoor eds. Science Publisher Inc, Enfield, New Hampshire, pp. 481-511. Scanned pdf


Carleton KL, Parry JWL, Bowmaker JK, Hunt DM and Seehausen O. Color vision and speciation in Lake Victoria cichlids of the genus Pundamilia. Molecular Ecology 14: 4341-53. PDF Supplementary table

Parry JWL, Carleton KL, Spady TC, Carboo A, Hunt DM and Bowmaker JK. Mix and match colour vision: tuning spectral sensitivity by differential opsin gene expression in Lake Malawi cichlids. Curr Biol 15: 1734-9. PDF Supplementary Data Commentary Press release

Carleton KL, Spady TC, and Cote RH. Rod and cone opsin families differ in spectral tuning domains but not signal transducing domains as judged by saturated evolutionary trace analysis. J Mol Evol 61: 75-89. PDF Supplementary Data

Katagiri T, Kidd C, Tomasina E, Davis JT, Wishon C, Stern JE, Carleton KL, Howe AE and Kocher TD. A BAC-based physical map of the Nile tilapia genome. BMC Genomics 6:89. PDF

Fuller RC, Carleton KL, Fadool JM, Spady TC and Travis J. Genetic and environmental variation in the visual properties of bluefin killifish, Lucania goodei. J Evol Biol 18: 516-523. PDF

Lee BY, Lee WJ, Streelman JT, Carleton KL, Howe AI, Hulata G, Slettan A, Stern JE, Terai Y and Kocher TD. A second generation genetic linkage map of tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) Genetics 170: 237-244. PDF

Scott MP, Panaitof SC, and Carleton KL. Quantification of vitellogenin-mRNA during maturation and breeding of a burying beetle. J Insect Phys 51: 323-31. PDF

Spady TC, Seehausen O, Loew ER, Jordan RC, Kocher TD and Carleton KL. Adaptive molecular evolution in the opsin genes of rapidly speciating cichlid species. Mol Biol Evol 22: 1412-22. PDF

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