Christopher M. Hofmann





Carleton Lab

Omland Lab




Hofmann, C. M., T. W. Cronin, and K. E. Omland. 2008. Evolution of Sexual Dichromatism. 1. Convergent Losses of Elaborate Female Coloration in New World Orioles (Icterus spp.). AUK 125: 778–789 PDF 


Hofmann, C. M., T. W. Cronin, and K. E. Omland. 2008. Evolution of Sexual Dichromatism. 2. Carotenoids and Melanins Contribute to Sexual Dichromatism in New World Orioles (Icterus spp.). AUK 125: 790–795 PDF


Hofmann, C. M., K. J. McGraw, T. W. Cronin, and K. E. Omland. 2007. Melanin coloration in New World orioles I: carotenoid masking and pigment dichromatism in the orchard oriole complex. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 163-171 PDF


Hofmann, C. M., T. W. Cronin, and K. E. Omland. 2007. Melanin coloration in New World orioles II: ancestral state reconstruction reveals lability in the use of carotenoids and phaeomelanins. Journal of Avian Biology 38: 172-181 PDF


Lynna M. Kiere, C. M. Hofmann, I. E. Tracy, T. W. Cronin, J. W. Leips, K. E. Omland. 2007. Using color to define species boundaries: quantitative analysis in the Orchard Oriole complex supports the recognition of two species. Condor 109: 692–697 PDF


Hofmann, C., W.-S. Lo, C.-T. Yao and S.-H. Li. 2007. Cryptic sexual dichromatism occurs across multiple types of plumage in the Green-backed Tit. Ibis 149: 264–270 PDF


Hofmann, C. M., T. W. Cronin, and K. E. Omland. 2006. Using Spectral Data to Reconstruct Evolutionary Changes in Coloration: Carotenoid Color Evolution in New World Orioles. Evolution 60:1680-1691 PDF


Omland, K. E., and C. M. Hofmann. 2006. Adding color to the past: ancestral state reconstruction of bird coloration in G. E. Hill and K. J. McGraw, eds. Bird Coloration. II. Function and evolution. Harvard Univ. Press.